Ruđer Bošković – Diploma Programme
Diploma Programme
Program međunarodne mature (IBDP) je opšteobrazovni program koji se izvodi u trećoj i četvrtoj godini gimnazije, a završava se polaganjem ispita.
Program međunarodne mature učenicima nudi:
- savremen nastavni program,
- razvijanje znanja i veština u različitim naučnim
- oblastima, neophodnih za nastavak školovanja,
- sticanje stvaralačkog iskustva kroz izradu seminarskih radova, projekata i istraživanja,
- izgrađivanje odgovornog odnosa prema sopstvenom obrazovanju,
- razvijanje tehnika učenja i samodiscipline,
- razvijanje kritičkog mišljenja, sopstvenog pogleda na svet, lične kreativnosti i humanih vrednosti.
Gimnazija „Ruđer Bošković“ učenicima nudi sledeće predmete:
- Grupa 1: srpski, engleski i nemački kao maternji jezik
- Grupa 2: engleski, nemački, španski, italijanski na početnom i na višem nivou
- Grupa 3: psihologija, biznis menadžment, ekonomija, istorija, globalna politika, očuvanje životne sredine i društva
- Grupa 4: biologija, hemija, fizika, očuvanje životne sredine i društva
- Grupa 5: Matematika: primene i interpretacije, Matematika: analitički pristup
- Grupa 6: Vizuelna umetnost.
* Izbor predmeta može varirati od godine do godine
Učenici biraju po 1 predmet iz 6 predmetnih grupa, slušaju predmet koji se zove teorija znanja (TOK) i učestvuju u CAS aktivnostima (Kreativnost, akcija i društveno – koristan rad).
Šesta grupa predmeta je selektivna i ukoliko ne izabere predmet iz te grupe, učenik bira dodatni jezik ili prirodnu ili društvenu nauku. Takođe, učenici su u obavezi da urade maturski rad (Extended Essay).
Diploma Programme
The IB Diploma Programme is a comprehensive, pre-university course of studies for students in the final two years of secondary school. It is completed after passing the exams at the end of the final year.
The Diploma Programme offers our students:
- a modern curriculum
- development of skills and knowledge in different scientific areas which are essential for their further education
- experience through the process of writing Written assignments, projects, and research
- development of a responsible approach towards education
- development of learning techniques and self-discipline
- development of critical thinking, personal creativity and human values.
There are six subject groups in the DP:
Studies in language and literature, Language acquisition, Individuals and societies, Sciences, Mathematics, The arts
* The course offer may vary depending on students choice
There are different courses within each subject group.
The courses Ruđer Bošković School offers are: Group 1: Serbian A, English A, German A – both High Level and Standard Level, Group 2: English B, Spanish B, French B, German B, Italian B, Spanish, French, German, Italian ab initio, Group 3: Business Management, Economics, History, Global Politics, Environmental Systems and Societies, Psychology Group 4: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Environmental Systems and Societies, Group 5: Mathematics: applications and interpretations, Mathematics: analysis and approaches, Group 6: Visual arts
DP students study six subjects (three at standard level and three at higher level) over two years and
complete three additional requirements: the Theory of Knowledge (TOK), the extended essay and at least 150 hours of creativity, activity and service tasks (also known as CAS) outside of the classroom.
World leading universities recognise the DP as one of the highest standards in university preparatory education.
Od 2006. škola je uspešno implementirala IB Diploma programme pa njeni maturanti danas studiraju na prestižnim svetskim univerzitetima poput UCL, Warwick University, London School of Economics, Hong Kong University, Cambridge University. Danas bivši učenici škole rade na menadžerskim pozicijama u kompanijama poput Airbus, Colliers International, BNP Paribas, Dyson.
Our school has been implementing the IB Diploma Programme successfully since 2006. Our High School graduates are studying at prestigious universities all around the world like UCL, Warwick University, London School of Economics, Hong Kong University, Cambridge University. Today, Ruđer Bošković School alumni hold managerial positions at companies like Airbus, Colliers International, BNP Paribas, Dyson