Ruđer Bošković – IB Primary Years Programme (PYP)
IB Primary Years Programme (PYP)
PYP je program usredsređen na razvoj deteta kao celovite individue i istraživača, kako u učionici, tako i u spoljnom svetu.
Znanje u programu PYP je sistematizovano u okviru šest transdisciplinarnih tema:
- Ko smo mi
- Gde se nalazimo u vremenu i prostoru
- Kako se izražavamo
- Kako svet funkcioniše
- Kako se organizujemo
- Planeta pripada svima nama
IB Primary Years Programme (PYP)
The PYP focuses on the development of the whole child as an inquirer, both in the classroom and in the world outside.
Knowledge in the PYP is organized into six Transdisciplinary themes:
- Who we are
- Where we are in place and time
- How we expess ourselves
- How the world works
- How we organize ourselves
- Sharing the planet
Transdisciplinarne teme su pažljivo odabrane po svom značaju za sve učenike koji potiču iz različitih kultura. One nude mogućnosti za razvoj veština, znanja i razumevanja u okviru šest predmetnih oblasti za koje PYP definiše ishode: umetnosti, jezik, matematika, društvene nauke, prirodne nauke i lično, društveno i fizičko vaspitanje.
Exhibition (Izložba)
Izložba predstavlja značajan događaj u životu učenika u završnoj godini realizacije PYP programa. Kroz proces izrade sopstvenog rada, učenici sintetizuju sve osnovne elemente PYP programa i dele ih sa čitavom školskom zajednicom. Izložba se realizuje tokom jedne transdisciplinarne teme ali su njom sintetizovani aspekti svih šest transdisciplinarnih tema.
Pojave istražuju iz različitih izvora informacija i perspektiva i planiraju preduzimanje akcije koja će dopineti rešavanju nekog problema globalnog značaja. Ovaj proces ujedinjuje učenike, nastavnike, roditelje i ostale članove školske zajednice u zajedničko kolaborativno iskustvo koje u sebe uključuje osnovne elemente PYP programa.
Na ovaj način učenici slave svoj prelazak sa PYP na MYP program.
These Transdisciplinary themes have been carefully chosen based on their significance to all learners in different cultures. They offer many opportunities for developing skills, knowledge and understanding within the six subject areas: Arts, Language, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science and Personal, Social and Physical education.
The PYP exhibition represents a significant event in the life of students in the final year of the PYP. Through the process of creating their own work, students synthesize all the basic elements of the PYP and share them with the entire school community. The exhibition covers one transdisciplinary theme, but it comprises aspects of all six transdisciplinary themes. Students undertake a collaborative, transdisciplinary inquiry process that involves them in identifying, investigating and offering solutions to real-life issues or problems. The purpose of the exhibition is to involve students in the process of collaborative planning and inquiry, during which they have the opportunity to demonstrate independence and responsibility for their own learning. Students explore phenomena from different sources of information and perspectives and plan to take action that will contribute to resolving a problem of global significance. This process unites students, teachers, parents and other members of the school community and creates a mutual collaborative experience that incorporates the basic elements of the PYP. In this way, students celebrate their transition from PYP to MYP.